Hey there guess what? Chicken Butt! No really though I'm back. For sure. I know I was like gone forever huh. Well there is a very, very long story to this and as of right now I am running on empty from so much Christmas freaking cheer. I had a wonderful family Christmas this year. I am thankful they we are all healthy, and happy. Well I am cutting this short due to exhaustion. Happy Holidays and keep warm. Best Wishes!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Well things haven't gone well here. We have been here all of two weeks before things started going down hill. I am so ticked that I gave up everything in my life to come to a place where I have been treated horribly bad. We are looking for a place to live at the moment. It will be a while before I blog again.
Have a great day.
Posted by Linda at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
I have moved
I am finally able to say we are all moved. Last week was the worst week for me ever. I stayed up for 2 days packing and moving boxes around. I didn't even know my finger tips could hurt LOL. I will take some photos here in the next couple of days. But as for right now I am trying to get situated. I love it here.
Have a great day.
Posted by Linda at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Moving week
We are moving this week sorry I haven't posted at all. I have been busy, busy, busy packing all our junk up. I never realized how much stuff you can fit into a tiny Townhouse. I am giving a lot of the junk to Goodwill and my mom. They can have it LOL. I probably won't be posting any more this week I have so much to do and so little time to get it done in. Have a great week :).
Posted by Linda at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Frizzled Frazzled
Tom left today to go with the kids and his mom down to Kentucky to visit Grandma C. for a couple of days. I'm pretty bummed about it. Tom and I haven't spent one night apart since we started dating about 5 years ago. I know! Not one night. I am missing him so much right now. I know he'll be back but that doesn't mean I don't miss his wonderful Tommy smell, or his goofy sense of humor. I love my Tom.
I have been busy cleaning finishing my projects for birthdays. This is Bonnie B!
I had so much trouble making her ears just perfect. They kept coming out all silly. I used I love this Yarn that I got from Hobby Lobby a long time ago. I didn't like crocheting it. It was really snaggy. But I fell in love with her. My daughter C. wants one now. I am thinking I could get away with making her a mega Bonnie :) I can't wait to tackle that project. C. also likes the Booga bag I made for my mother in law so I am going to make her a small version soon. So many projects and so little time.
I need to clean more and get packing. Have a great day :)
Posted by Linda at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Ok well it has been a few days since the last post but really nothing much has been going on. I have been working on my projects a lot and wanted to get my work done so I can be ready for birthdays and up coming swap stuff.
New information on the ongoing saga with all the Grandma's and such. First off Granny H. is going into assisted living. Her daughters are moving her into her new digs in 2 weeks. So this has left me open for changes in my life. Tom's mother called and said she talked to Grandma C. in Kentucky. It's official We are Moving!! Wooohooo!!!!! We are so happy. Neither Tom or I have ever lived outside of Indiana. This is a big move for us. The house we are moving to is almost 6,000 sq ft. We will pretty much have our own wing of the house with a huge bedroom and a bathroom with a jacuzzi bath! OMG it has been years since I have a had a bath to relax in. This awesome!
Next up we will have our own balcony so cool. We will also be right on the lake! I know water right out back and a pontoon boat to cruise around on. Where we live now there's no lakes around so this will be heaven on earth for us. Tom will be able to ride his bike everywhere now and I will get to garden in bigger spots. I also get to finally be able to cook in a huge kitchen where we live now it's no bigger than a closet. Grandma C. and Grandpa E. are so happy and relieved. He can barely take care of her and he can't get any more time off work. So they are so open to free in home care and I'm someone they obviously know and trust. We are all benefiting from this move. I am so happy my Mother-In-Law asked us if we could do this. I am starting packing this week (UGH) it's the only part I hate about moving. I am also doing a very deep clean as I go along so that when we get the moving truck it's just a straight up easy going move.
I'm off to work on some projects so I can show you pictures.
Have a great day. :)
Posted by Linda at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Projects, Projects, Projects
Hi it's been a couple of days since I last blogged and I left off with all the stuff swirling around. No decisions as of yet.
I have been working on my projects but I forgot to take pictures of them all. I will tomorrow though. Bonnie Bunny is coming along beautifully but her ears are giving me a problem. So hopefully I can work them out. I am going to sew her up a wardrobe and some little things to go with her. I need to finish up my Swap On a Budget secret gifts, I am also working on a the little fishes, and my Mom's birthday gift. Oh and I am waiting for my Hammy Cookie Swap info also. So as you can tell I am busy,busy,busy!!
Well I'm off to work and watch some boring T.V. I MISS CABLE!! There I said it. LOL.
Have a great evening.
Posted by Linda at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
One Odd Day
Today was down and up for me. First off I woke up and luckily turned on the coffee pot for our morning cup of bliss. I was in the kitchen and heard a noise out back and it was the Electric Meter Guy messing with our meter. I thought something was wrong with it so I poked my head out and asked him if everything was o.k., he said he was there to Shut it Off!!!! I asked him why because I had assumed (yes I know never to do that) that we had a few more days until it was due. Now the scoop here is we are usually behind on our bill. I know, I know! But we kinda forget about it and we usually don't realize it's due until they show up and want their money. Anyhow they never gave a notice this time. At all!! I asked Mr. Dufus if we could pay it this afternoon but he said No, and he was kinda rude a little bit about it to. Anyhow off went the electric, it didn't effect me to much because it wasn't to hot out and since I keep the doors and windows closed the cool air from the air conditioner stayed in. We have problems with our electric going out during storms so we are pretty use to the no electric thing. Well Tom payed the darn thing and on went the electric. I spent the day working on knitting and listening to my battery operated radio.
Part Two. I have been on vacation for like 4 weeks or so due to Granny H. (Great-Grandmother on Father's side) falling off her sofa. Yes, she had decided that the air conditioner needed to be turned off (which was off) and she climbed onto her sofa and fell off and cracked her pelvis. This woman is 99(as of yesterday) and she doesn't tend to listen to anyone. She is stubborn to the core. But anyhow her daughter came to visit for a few and ended up staying to take care of her. So that left me out of a job. I am starting back up on Wednesday though which is great. But I don't know how long I will be taking care of her, they are putting her into a nursing home. It's sad because she loves her apartment and likes her freedom but she won't listen to anyone and keeps falling. So I might be taking care of Tom's Grandma D.(Father's Mother) we found out about 6 weeks ago that she has cancer again this time it is in her bones and has traveled to her brain. Now they said Chemotherapy and radiation will possibly eradicate it but we aren't sure if her body will be able to handle it all again! Yes this is the second time she has had cancer within 2 years. She has also been through a Quadruple Bypass and 2 strokes. This is one heck of a strong woman let me tell you. Anyhow right now she needs lots of help and I might be called to take care of her until she pulls through.
Part Three. O.K. onto the next chapter of this day. Tom's other Grandmother(Mother's Side) has ALS she has had if for about a year now and is slowly losing her muscle use. Well we were asked today if we would consider the possibility of moving down to Kentucky to take over the care of her. Her husband is doing it now and there is no way he can do it all on his own and work a job. So Tom and I have been talking about it and we are probably going to do it. I am ready for a change and it will mean that his Grandmother will have someone to help with the household day to day stuff and to take over her care. So we'll have to see what happens in the coming up month or so.
Oh and I also saw a Monkey. Yes, I said a Monkey! We were driving to the gas station to get a Icee and saw this Dude on a bike with a monkey hanging on his arm. My mouth dropped open and Tom did a double take. It was one of those little guys. How cute :)
I'm going to bed! Have a great evening. :)
Posted by Linda at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hop Along
Well yesterday was a interesting day. First off I woke up and checked my mail and I got Two packages!!!! One was from my Swap on a Budget Spoiler. Wooohooo!!! Her name is Julia or juliebie on Ravelry.
I can't believe how lucky I was to get such a wonderful and talented Spoiler. She handmade the stitch markers. How? I don't know but they are so cool. I love the ones that have my dogs names or nicknames on them but I love the "butt nuggets" one the best. It's my favorite saying. I also love the Linen Handkerchiefs. I am going to try embroidering them soon. The Tea is wonderful I had a cup as soon as I opened the package. I love the Black Cherry Berry. I can't wait to try the Country Peach Passion. She also sent some beautiful Flower seeds. The one packet is from her state and next year I am going to make sure those are in the front of the garden for all to see.
On back of the Linen Handkerchief's there is a Recipe Card on "Basic Socks Recipe by Stephanie Pearl McPhee" I can't wait to try it out and make some awesome socks from the two skeins of Pink Patons Kroy Sock yarn she sent. There was also a skein of Noro Silk Garden Lite Colorway 2010. I have never used Noro before and I got a few sample type sizes from a RAK (soknitpicky)
but now I have a whole skein to myself and I am not sure what I want to make yet. I am thinking either a Calorimetry or a cabled hat. Hmmmm. I just love the fact that I have a choice here with this yarn. Lastly she also sent a very lovely card and I plan on framing it with all the other cards, or postcards people off Ravelry have sent me.
Next up I received an awesome RAK from pretywtch or Jeannie from Ravelry. I am still in awe from her generosity.
She sent me 5 different fabrics. They are gorgeous and I am in love with the Lime Green satiny type stuff. The yardage is amazing on all of them. They will all be awesome as needle rolls or
purse linings. Next she sent 2 vintage crochet magazines. I collect these when I can find them. I got a whole butt load from a thrift shop a while back for cheap and I have been collecting them ever since. I think they have the neatest patterns in them and it doesn't take much to make them into a more up to date design. She also added in some really neat Knitted Sweater pattern booklets and there was also a postcard from her that I am going to add to my photos on the wall.
I don't know how to express the fact that all of these People that have RAK'd me or have been so caring with their Swap packages have made a extreme impact in my life. I have always been one of those people that believe there is wonderful and good Karma in life. I have always treated others how I would like to be treated and I am a very polite and kind person. I give my love and prayers to those that need it. I Thank each and everyone who has treated me with such generosity and kindness deeply from the bottom of my heart and soul. You have enriched my life more than you can ever know.
Onto a new topic Frogs! Yesterday I went out my patio door to look at the sky as it was churning from a storm coming in and I left the door open a bit. I turned around to go get my camera and I saw something dark on the floor by the table. You see I am SCARED to death of spiders! I can't handle being around them and I a freeze up if there is a huge one near me. I have been known to just avoid a room if there is one in there. Well anyhow I thought what was on the floor was a spider. I wasn't sure so I poked it a bit with a piece of paper and it Hopped! It was Ted the Frog or Toad(this is what I named the little fella). Ted decided he wanted to join our household and hopped under my table. I chased him down and caught him. I wanted to get a picture of the little guy so I went over and grabbed the camera. As I was turning it on Ted hopped out of my hand and landed on my chair. Ted must of had to go potty because he whizzed all over it. I then had to chase Mr. Ted for about 5 minutes while he tried to make a break for it once again. I caught him again and he whizzed all over me this time. I took Ted outside and took his picture and released him back into the wild (or into my garden). I washed my hands thoroughly afterwards. He's a cute little guy huh?
Well I am off to do housecleaning Daisy has left a pile of fur from her rolling all over the carpet.
Have a great day :)
Posted by Linda at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
Home Again
Well we are home again. My vacation was nice and long the kind where you can just lay around and not have to do more then cook and watch T.V. I wish we could have went up to Michigan but it was still a nice couple of weeks. My poor apartment needs an overhaul though. I realized when we came home how small it is. I think we are going to look for a new place very soon. I did get some sunshine on my skin and I am a little darker than I was. I'm Mexican/Caucasian so I have a lighter skin tone, more than a full blooded Mexican so I do tan. I love that feeling after you come in from the Sun and see the redness around your cheeks and on your nose.
I spent the last couple of days watching Re-Run episodes of Project Runway. I love it. What a fun program and I can really get into the outfits each one of the designers produce. I will have to wait awhile to watch the next season due to no cable but I can satisfy myself with just getting old re-runs or watching America's Next Top Model. Not the same thing I know but I like it just the same.
Well I am off to put things away. Tomorrow I need to clean Yay! Have a great evening:)
Best Wishes.
Posted by Linda at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Squared Away
Not a whole lot going on here just working on all the Fish still. I'm needing to go get more yarn for this project as I have went through two skeins already. So far I have 24 Fish it's coming along Swimmingly (LOL). I'm also working on a Birthday gift for my Mother and my Niece Betty Spaghetti (I call her this be cause she's all wiggly and skinny). For my mom I am making a Afghan Blanket in Plum Purple and Ivory. I am using one of those light up hooks (which are awesome) in H. I'm just making a regular granny square.
It's coming along pretty great. The other project is for my Niece Betty Spaghetti is a crochet bunny. I am making the pattern up as I go along and I am only at the head but so far I like it. I'll post pictures when I get more done on her. I think I am going to name her Bonnie. Bonnie the Bunny. I plan to make her a bunch of little stuff to play with also.
On another note. I received a wonderful surprise last week aand I am so moved at the caring of others. I was picked as a receiver for a Random Act of Kindness for Karma Swap on Ravelry by Madcraftermom on there, and I got this in the mail.
It's a beautiful 100% Cotton 300Yd. In a really pretty blue and gray mix. I really like it and I am not sure what to make out of it yet but it will probably be a scarf.
I also received a secret RAK from Pichincha on Ravelry. It's a gorgeous Linen Handkerchief with the initial B on it. It has a sticker that states it Irish Linen.
I love old things. I like knowing that something has a history to it and can be passed to other's for their enjoyment or use. I have never owned a Handkerchief and this one will be treasured always. I love surprises and gifts and when I receive something that someone put thought into just for me I feel moved and humble to be cared for.
Have a great evening :)
Posted by Linda at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Super Dog
Today I decided I wanted to spend the day out in the pool. We needed to clean it really well and I was using the pool vacuum. As I was minding my own business, I look up and see the neighbors Yellow Lab Luke standing at the top of the ladder. Now this dog is a hoot. He comes over at least twice a day to visit us and whiz all over the place. Isabelle (chichi) likes to think that she can take him on but so far when he comes near her, she takes off screeching and yelping. She's such a baby. Anyhow the first time I met this lovely goof we were driving up the drive and I got out to catch him and take him back home. Well he keep running behind me and trying to jump up and pull my hair tie out. He's a pup or at least only a year old and like I said He's goofy. Yesterday I was walking up the drive and he came out of nowhere and jumped up and bit me on the boob! It wasn't hard just a love nip. :) Well today when I say him on the ladder I told him to get down. He was trying to turn around and I walked over to help him onto the deck, he jumped onto the deck and then decided that he needed to swim with me. He jumped into the pool and was swimming around with me. I had to grab him by his collar because he can't swim to well. I had to yell for Tom to come out and help me get him out of the pool. His owner came by and got him a few minutes later. Needless to say he escaped about an hour later but this time I was ready for the little bugger. We pulled the ladder up! LOL He still tried to jump over the rail but he wasn't tall enough. Yet!! Here's a photo of Luke wondering how to get into the house.
I love goofy animals and he's a big goofy butt.
Have a great evening :)
Posted by Linda at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Living with Cable
I have been watching a lot of cable these last few days. I'm on cable overload. We don't have cable at our home so when I get a week or two to watch some of my favorite channels I go all out. I have been addicted to Food Network, Discovery, Travel Channel, and cartoons. At our home we get 3 channels that come in downstairs and we get possibly 5 up stairs. At home I watch a lot of CW needless to say, the rest of the channels are MyNDY(?), and 2 of the regular local channels. So now that we are on vacation I am overloading on cable.
Today Tom and I went to the crazy world of Pain-In-The Butt*Mart. OMG was that placed packed! I hate the one we go to. It's dirty and it smells like arm pits EWWW! Any how we needed a few items for dinner and we parked right in front of this car with this cool vanity plate.
How cool is this person :) I want a vanity plate that says "Smell My Yarn!" instead of "Eat My Dust". I like to smell yarn.
This is what we had for dinner tonight.
Two different Chicken Wings. One was Buffalo Chicken from Franks Red Hot Sauce with Butter mix together and the other is Teriyaki. I make my own Teriyaki Sauce.
Teriyaki Sauce:
1/2 Cup Granulate Sugar
1/2 Cup Lite Soy Sauce (You can use regular if you like)
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Clove of Garlic, Minced
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Ginger ( I use McCormick)
Shake of Red Pepper Flakes to Taste
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch
1 Tablespoon Cold water
Mix the First 6 ingredient's in a bowl. In a smaller bowl or cup wisk Cornstarch and water together until combined. Add to the other ingredients. Wisk all together. Add to a sauce pan and cook until sugar dissolves(medium to low heat). Please be careful this will be hot. Put onto meat or veggies and let sit for a few until cooled enough to eat. You can also sauté this with all your meats and veggies in a pan/wok. You can double,triple, quadruple this recipe. I usually double and it's plenty for a 5lb bag of wings.
With Dinner we had Homemade Potato salad, and Fresh Green Beans. It was a delicious meal. The reason for the two different Wing sauce's are that Tom loves the Buffalo Wing Sauce and I can't eat it at all. I have extremely bad Acid Reflux. So I figured I loved Teriyaki and that's what I make for me :).
OMG! Have you seen that show called BBC America-Britain's Worst Teeth? I have good teeth, I brush my teeth 2 times a day (I know, I know 3 times but I always forget after lunch) and check constantly for any problems. This show had me scrubbing my teeth for 20 minutes and swearing never to eat sugar again after watching it. UGH!!!! My mouth is killing me today from such a scrubbing, but I don't care I feel better and I know that I have clean teeth. I know some people can't help it but I can make sure that I take care of my mouth and believe me after watching that show I am going to be my Dentist's number one customer. CHICKEN! WHERE?
Well now that I have spread some love I am off to oogle some more Cable T.V. If you see a chunky Mexican Chick stumbling around with wide open eyes you'll know it's me from being CableZombified. Have a great evening :)
Posted by Linda at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A Few of my favorite things
Howdy. I have spent the day watching the Food Network off and on and I love to see things come together. I had DVR'd (?) Ace of Cakes. What an awesome show! The artistry that goes into just one of those cakes is amazing. What a dream job huh!
Someday my dream job would be to run a Bed, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Not just a B&B. I would love to have enough acreage up in Northern Michigan (Preferably Mackinaw City) to open one. I can cook for a large crowd and I love it. I grew up with 1 sister, and 3 brothers. I am of course the middle child. Plus add both of my parents and that equals a decent size family. I have made enough to feed at least 30 people at one time and still have had left overs. My mother taught me from a early age to cook and so I can handle large amounts of food. Plus I have worked in Restaurant Kitchens before and enjoyed it a lot. I love to make comfort foods and I like to add new and interesting dishes to our lives. I think that would have to be a highlight of life, taking something that you dream about on a daily basis and making it come true. Sounds like a resume right LOL.
I wanted to list a few things I find that I like in life.
1. The color Pink. I like it in many different shades. I like it mixed up with other colors. I even like Pepto Pink! Someday when I have my own craft room I'm painting it pink! I may even paint my kitchen pink LOL. 2. Recipes. I love to cook obviously. I like to make things that are interesting and new to me. I love to read recipe books.
3. Sewing. I am very new at this but I have fun when I create things.
4. Buttons. They come in so many different sizes and shapes.
5. Reading. I read a lot. I like Romance (Cheesy I know). Not a lot of people my age care for it but I read them by the dozen. My favorite writers are Laurell K. Hamilton and Heather Graham.
I also read Horror, Mystery, and Classics.
6. My favorite foods are Mexican of course, Tex-Mex, Italian, Asian. I would love to try new foods from all over. I don't like anything that has parts like feet, tongue, brain, etc.... EWWW.
There is so much out there I haven't had like Indian, Greek (besides Gyros), European, etc...
7. My favorite snack right now is Strawberry and Dark Chocolate S' mores. YUMMY! I like all sorts of snacks though I'm not overly picky.
8. Veggies. I crave vegetables all the time. My favorites are broccoli, tomato's , cauliflower, green beans, spinach (new craving), mushrooms, and a ton of others. I am growing zucchini in my garden and carrots I have never tried growing either of these before and it's going pretty great. I can't wait to pick and eat these.
9. I like the cartoon Chowder. It's a hoot.
10. I love to Knit and Crochet. I am good at both. I think! I'm not very fast at either but I'm getting there. It's fun and soothing and I love the fact that there is such a large community. I am pretty shy at making friends and where I live I don't have any. I know it's kind of sad really. But just signing in on the website Ravelry I feel like there are a lot of people out there I can relate to. I have just started being more active on there by joining groups and posting a lot more.
11. Traveling. I love to take road trips. Right now I would love to travel to the West Coast and just start from Vancouver Canada and go all the way down to the end of California. I also want to head over to Europe, and Asia. My favorite place in the world is Mackinaw Michigan. I feel at peace here and I love to hear the waves from Lake Michigan hit the shore. It's home in my heart.
There is a ton more that I find to be my favorite on a daily,weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, but these are my top ones at the moment. Smell-Belle's secret hide out.
Have a great evening :)
Posted by Linda at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Summer Vacation
Today marks the first day of two weeks we are hanging out at my in-laws. I spent the day watching cable (we don't have it at home), and swimming. We even made turkey burgers on the B.B.Q. I spent a lot of the time knitting on the Fish Blanket. I'm getting quicker at making this little fish but still I wish I could knit continental style faster. I'm o.k. at it but I have a hard time keeping my fingers closed on the feed yarn. Someday it will be conquered.
I will leave you with a beautiful Flower from my Dad's garden. Enjoy your evening.
Posted by Linda at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dog eats towel
Well today was kind of boring. I made Blue Berry Pancakes with Turkey bacon on the side for Lunch (Yeah, You heard me Lunch. I'm lazy and on vacation so there!LOL) actually I got up at 9 and just didn't feel like breakfast this morning so I ate it for lunch.
Then we went to my in-laws to see the kids before they all head up to Mackinaw for 2 weeks with out US!!!! It sucks that we get to miss another year up there but we get to chill at the in-laws house with their pool, so there is that plus for us. Still it's not the same.
Well my Title of today is about a Dog that eats a towel. Daisy dog (black lab mix) has decided after 11 years of life she wants to develop separation anxiety. I mean this dog goes nuts and whines and barks as soon as we put her in her cage. She started this about a month ago and now she is pulling things into her cage and is chewing holes in them! I have blanket that we got in Cozumel Mexico when we went on a cruise and I put it over her cage, what does she do? She eats holes all over in it. The we put a towel over the front of her cage only at night so that she doesn't catch a chill from the air conditioner and what does she do? She eats holes in it even though I put it up on top when she gets up in the morning. We left and she found a corner or something and pulled it through the bars and eats big holes all over it. UGH! She also pulled a cord from a old humidifier through the bars and chewed through that. It was unplugged by the way. I tried putting a nice big chewy bone in with her before we leave but she didn't touch it, she just ate the blanket. She's driving me bonkies I tell ya. Goofy dog. Who me I didn't eat that Towel, maybe the blanket but not the towel Honestly!
Well I think I going sign off for now Have a great evening :)
Posted by Linda at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: dog, pancakes, seperation
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Scarf Day
Do you ever get a perfect hand lotion and you sparingly use it just in cast you can never get it again? Mine would have to be Bath & Body Works Sea Island Cotton. I love this stuff and it's a thicker lotion so when it goes on it doesn't leave your hands or feet all oily. I use it on my feet at night also. It also has a nice subtle smell to it. Mmmmm smelly stuff.
Today I deem Scarf day. I made a few scarfs for myself over the last couple of months and I have actual photos of said scarfs.
I put them on Diane (my dress form). She likes wearing my scarfs at least they don't make her neck itch like they do mine. The first is the Debbie Mumm Traditions 2x2 Rib Scarf I wrote about yesterday I did these on a size 11 needles. I love the colors in this scarf a lot. The next one is Jo-Anns Sensations in the color Lime doubled with Dolcetto with size 15 needles garter stitch. So soft but itchy, itchy, itchy. I can wear these over the top of a coat but not close to my neck. I am extremely sensitive on my neck otherwise I'm o.k with wool. The last one is Truffles in Purple, Pink, and Blue (can't find a link for a store) knitted on a size 10 1/2 in garter stitch.
I love making scarfs there simple, and fast.
Well I am going to make dinner Have a great day. :)
Posted by Linda at 2:59 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Rainy Day's
It's raining, it's pouring, My Dog is snoring. I love the sound of a good Thunderstorm don't you? As long as our power stays on though. It must be really touchy since every single time we have a storm it blinks off and on and then most of the time stays off. But so far it's only blinked a few times.
Today is lazy day. I plan on cuddling up with a book and my knitting. I need to finish all those Fish and I am also working on a 2x2 Ribbed Scarf in Debbie Mumm Robins Egg Blue color. I like the feel of this scarf but it's kinda goofy to work with. You kinda have to be gentle with it and pull the strand out so it doesn't bunch. I know a lot of work for a scarf huh! But I promise the results are turning out excellent. I think they used Kool-Aid to dye these skeins. It smells just like when I dyed the wool for some purses I made. I can smell the Blue Raspberry in the Debbie Mumm yarn. I like that smell.
Onward. I was asked by my new friend who is the 11 1/2 year old from the swap I joined before, if I wanted to join her swap. How could I say no honestly. She and her friend are presenting this swap all on their own. If you happen to get a chance please stop by and check it out Hammy's Cookie Swap this is only on Ravelry. She would love to have new members.
Well I think I am going to go and have my Rainy Day, Lazy Day. Have Fun.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Gone Fishing
I came back the very next day to blog can you believe it? I told you I was going to be a good girl from now on.
I am on vacation since last week, last week I had a horrible ear infection and my husband sat with Granny H. (who is 98 years old by the way) for a couple of days until her daughter came. This week is kind of mandatory vacation due to the her falling and hurting herself and her daughter is in town to take care of her. Poor Granny H. I am making her favorite thing, Chocolate Chip cookies to help cheer her up. I spend my days helping her out around the house and making her lunch. She still lives on her own in an apartment and she's feisty as all get out. She is also my husband Great-Grandmother. :)
Well since I am on vacation I decided to make my husband's Grandma D. a blanket. She just found out she has cancer again but this time it's in her bones. I wanted to make something warm for her while she is going through chemotherapy so I found a really neat blanket pattern. It's this one A Recipe For Fish and I have already caught a few on my needles.
I am using Caron Simply Soft in colors, Woodland Heather and Deep Teal Heather. I love how they look together and they are really soft. I will definitely be making more fish blankets from this yarn.
I use Caron a lot for my projects. I love how soft it is and how you can cuddle up with it. I put it with Novelty soft yarn or Eyelash with complimentary colors when I make scarves and they come out so soft and fuzzy. I'm not in the least a picky Knitter. I can't afford to be. I do love some of the yarns that I have gotten that aren't acrylic but when you are on a budget soft acrylics it is.
When Hobby Lobby use to be in Marion I would buy a ton of the sale $.99 yarn in as many colors that I could afford. I also had gotten a lot of the Dream by Moda Dea for like $.70 . Man that's some lovable yarn especially in a scarf or a hat.
Speaking of yarn spots.
I went to Sarah Jane's Yarn Shoppe in Fort Wayne a couple of weeks ago I had been wanting to see it ever since it opened. It's a cute and lovely yarn store. I found the layout really nice and not crowded even when there were a few people in there. I bought a retractable tape measure for my swap pal. I loved that they had such a good variety of brands. I will definitely be going back in there soon.
Well I guess I had better get my needle out and make some more Fish only about 80 more to go LOL. Have a great day :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Long Time, No Blog
Ok, ok I know it's been months but I have decided to start blogging again. Not that I really had a whole lot to say before but I VOW to try to be a good blogger this time. Well I guess what really inspired me to start again was the fact that I am apart of http://www.ravelry.com
I love it there, the kindness and caring of such a large group of people is extraordinaril . I decided to be more of a joiner and did my first swap, and I received some really wonderful gifts from a 11 1/2 year old girl!!! Omg I was floored, she was so thoughtful and did an awesome job making the little felted purse in a very pretty blue. She even included a bone for my doggies. Heres a picture isn't it great to receive something in the mail. So this is the package I sent out to my secret swap pal.
Plus I added some coffee, chocolate and some Nerds (gotta love Nerds) also I love making things and it was my first time sewing and I think I did a pretty good job with the needle and crochet cases.
I figured it was an opportunity so see what other people knitted with and if they wanted to throw some other stuff in there then so be it :). I love used stuff. I take stuff that is used and make it even more loved. I got RAK'ed ( not sure how to say that) last week and received some wonderful things today. First off is some items I got from Soknitpicky
The next package I got was from a Knitter named juulia on Ravelry
Thank You both for so much Generosity.
I want to send someone else some lovely gifts but it will have to wait until next week unfortunately, but I will be making sure that I will RAK someone's wish list and pass on some items I don't need. The feeling of giving is a wonderful one.